YdotX and CLP: Energy-saving chiller optimisation system

Sustainability has become an ever-growing topic across the globe. From smaller areas such as waste management and recycling, to bigger areas like carbon credits and green financing, companies and properties are increasingly committed to the clause. YdotX stresses on the importance of developing an energy-efficient lifestyle within properties and the incorporation of PlantPRO is definitely one big step for properties to become “smarter” and operate in a sustainable manner.

Establishing a sustainable living space

Being a co-living community under Crystal Properties, YdotX's co-living spaces provide an innovative way to live in Hong Kong. By creating communities that appreciate the impact of sharing resources towards building a more sustainable lifestyle, a greater future can be attained. Every bit of saving from efficient use of energy means lower operation expenses which can transform into more investment towards enhancing residents’ quality of lives. Therefore, it is always wise to explore different smart building solutions to simultaneously reducing carbon footprint and boosting the living standard within properties – which is exactly what PlantPRO is offering.

One big challenge in rental property management is resource management. Residents and tenants often wish to experience a premium service with unbounded uses of energy and other necessities. As a result, energy costs inevitably become daunting. PlantPRO provides an alternative way to improve properties’ energy efficiency, without compromising the standard of living.

Saving energy from chiller optimisation

Ydotx adopted the PlantPRO system supported by CLPe in December 2022. PlantPRO is a solution aimed at optimising the performance of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, which typically accounts for more than 40% energy consumption for the entire building. Through the use of AI analytics and thousands of industry-specific, rule-based principles built in the system, PlantPRO can act as a “virtual engineer” who helps monitor and makes quick adjustment to the HVAC system settings, ensuring an optimal operation consistently.

Compared to other analytics platforms which require specialists on the back end, PlantPRO helps minimise the manpower for maintaining the system as it also provides real-time automatic fault detection and diagnosis, without interfering the existing Building Management System (BMS).

Just by the first month of adopting PlantPRO, more than 8% saving in electricity has been observed while the same level of living experience is maintained. In addition, all recorded and real-time data can be accessed remotely through online interface and exported for further study which is excellent for sustainability reporting and evaluation.

Example data analytics from PlantPRO


Evolving towards green building

It is worth noting that being sustainable and environmentally friendly does not necessarily mean disruption to quality of life. It is up to individuals, properties and companies to explore the plentiful solutions among the market that help reach for the ultimate goal – a sustainable and beautiful future for all.